This is a scene I drive by every time I go up to our cabin in NC mountains near Murphy.
I really liked this view and took quite a few photos of it. Wouldve liked to have painted it plein air but wasnt possible this trip as had to work on the AC unit at the cabin. My initial painting of it had too many highlights/reflections from sunlight on the truck. I really wanted it to be colorful also but I had too many blues in highlight areas. So in essence, my focal point was way TOO focal. The general value of painting as a whole was out of wack. I went back and subdued or removed those highlights and finally got to this point where I felt everything was much more balanced. So be careful with your highlights. Weigh them and dont immediately jump to the conclusion, as I did, that things looked great. Only to find out a few days later there's an overkill happening that has to be corrected.